(888) 695-5364 5723 Weatherstone Way Johnsburg, IL 60051 Mon-Fri 8am - 5pm
(888) 695-5364 Milwaukee, WI Mon-Fri 8am - 5pm


ProductsAir Dryers, Air Treatment Products

Best-In-Class Technology

Mikropor best in class products are the most energy efficient and environmentally friendly machines on the planet.


Total Dependability

A pioneer in atmospheric air filtration solutions and compressed air systems, Mikropor is the world’s leading air filter producer. Their “Manufacturing Forward” approach is fueled by a passion for innovation, quality, and service.

Compressor Services is proud to offer Mikropor compressed air treatment products and air filtration accessories. Contact us today for a free quote.


Air Dryers

Mikropor’s line of high-performance air dryers are built to last.

Whether you need a high pressure dryer to maintain optimal performance under extreme conditions, or a modular desiccant air dryer for the slim footprint and efficiency, we can help you find the perfect fit for your facility.


Nitrogen Generators

Mikropor’s two-bed absorber nitrogen generation system sets a new standard.

It is the most effective and reliable way to increase the nitrogen purity in your system. Schedule an on-site consultation with one of our air system experts and learn more about Mikropor’s powerful and cost-efficient nitrogen generators.


Water Separators

Designed to deliver.

Mikropor GWS Series and Flanged Water Separators exemplify the best-in-class label. Expert-level removal of bulk liquid water and particulate at a low pressure to maximize energy savings.