When the air temperature dips below 40 degrees fahrenheit in your facility, it can begin to impact compressed air system performance. This is important to note during the winter months, especially if the temperature in your compressor room should fall below this temperature.
Plunging winter temperatures can cause long term or short-term damage to your system. For example, frozen condensate has the potential to clog or crack components within the larger compressor system. Control lines, drain valves, filters, and heat exchangers can also be at risk in the cold. The practices here can help you to make your system more efficient and save energy.
Below are some of the common problems that we see in addition to freezing and cracking:
- The air compressor doesn’t turn on or start. This can be common with rotary screw compressors. A low ambient air temperature limit switch prevents the compressor from starting when the temperature drops below 40 degrees.
- The air compressor oil is thickening. This happens when the temperatures begin to drop. There is less lubrication, which in turn requires more power to operate the pump. If this condition persists for long periods of time, it can decrease the life of the motor.
- The refrigerated air dryers are working a little too well. If they seem to be a little too efficient, they could be at risk of freezing and damage the larger system.
- There’s a decreased capacity in the desiccant dryers. Wet air can freeze inside the piping of desiccant dryers, causing tower switch valves to break down.
- There’s more corrosion occurring. Your air compressor is less efficient in the cold, so there’s more condensate building within the components. The situation is more ripe for internal components to begin to corrode.
Winterizing Improves Compressed Air System Performance
You can protect your air compressor from the cold temperatures by taking the time to winterize your system and schedule regular preventative maintenance. By taking steps like draining the condensate, winterizing the pipes, and heating your compressor, you can ensure that it works properly even through the coldest stretches of the Chicago winter.
Compressor Services offers air compressor maintenance, repairs, and sales in the far Northwest suburbs of Chicago.
If you would like to schedule routine maintenance to ensure that your compressor is working properly, contact us today!