If your organization is using an air compressor in any capacity for work, it’s crucial that you make that compressor compliant with Environmental Protection Agency regulations. Your compressor produces a condensate bi-product that is an oil-water mix and must be disposed of properly. Otherwise, your organization may face compressed air condensate penalties for non-compliance.
The EPA Regulations
The EPA is tasked with keeping ground water safe for human consumption, and it doesn’t take much oil in the water to make it a risk for human health. That’s why there are strict standards for disposal of your condensate.
The Clean Water Act amendments of 1972 sets the Federal standards for the discharge of condensate. Negligent violations within a year can result in significant fines that begin at $2,500 per day, according to the EPA website. There are removal methods that are simply untrustworthy and can still leave you at risk. Therefore, it’s important to talk with experts before you dispose of any condensate that still may have oil in it to make sure that you are within standards.
What Needs To Be Done To Be Compliant?
An oil and water separator offers a good initial step, but the oil that is separated needs to be disposed of properly, and the water that was separated must be clean to approved EPA levels, or you could still face penalties.
Talk With The Friendly Technicians At Compressor Services
When the stakes are high for the proper disposal of condensate, the best thing you can do is to talk with the friendly technicians at Compressor Services to ensure that you remain within compliance. We have the expertise and offer a wide range of services to ensure that the job is handled properly, no matter what industry you are in. If you have any questions about your air compressor system, contact us today!