Like any other major purchase, your compressed air system requires general upkeep to ensure that it’s working properly and remains efficient. There are a series of steps that you can take to make sure you get the most out of your purchase.
An efficient air compressor system starts from the beginning. Choosing the right compressor for your needs is critical. Having an air compressor that doesn’t meet all of your needs can slow down your work efficiency. Having an air compressor that contains more power than you need may result in unneeded expense.
It’s also important to understand the types of features that you need to maintain an efficient system. For example, it’s important to know whether you might benefit from a variable speed drive compressor. The speed of the motor can be manually controlled to meet the demand for air. This can make a significant difference if you have multiple uses for compressed air in your business.
Once you have the right compressed air system in place, you can take these steps below to make sure that it remains efficient over a lifetime of ownership:
Understand Lubrication
Some compressed air systems require lubrication to run properly. Both over-lubrication and under-lubrication can damage the system and cause it not to work properly. A low-quality lubricant can also have a negative impact on the machine. If you’re in the food production or food science industries, lubricant contamination can become a serious problem.
Lubrication requirements will vary from system to system. You can refer to your ownership manual or ask a service representative to find out how your specific system should be lubricated. This will be key in making sure that your system runs properly over time.
Know How Particulates Impact Your System
A buildup of dust and particulates in the air can cause your compressed air system to not work properly. Pretty soon it may not be working the way it once was. This can be a particular risk for any type of woodworking usage, as a sawdust buildup can cause the system to slow down.
Particulates much smaller than what the human eye can see may cause trouble for air compressors. If your compressor is near a high volume of dust particles, it will likely require more lubrication. Otherwise these unseen particulates can work their way into the machine’s components and cause damage.
Prevent Compressor Contamination
All types of compressors are at risk for contamination. This can lead to poor air quality from a build up of particulates, moisture, or even too much lubrication. Even the highest quality compressors are at risk from this without the proper regular maintenance.
Cooler Building Temperatures
The slightest change in building temperatures can have a profound impact on the efficiency of your compressed air system. A 10-degree temperature increase can result in a 2 percent reduction in compressor performance. A simple measure like opening up the vents or running your building’s air conditioner can help you run a more efficient system.
Data Monitoring
Increased data monitoring can help you detect problems with the system early on, and make the necessary improvements. It will help you realize the most benefit from your compressed air system. Data monitoring can also help you ensure that your system receives the maximum level of uptime.
Centralized Controls
If you are running more than one air compressor in your building, centralized controls can increase your efficiency. You will be able to select the most efficient compressor combination to lower the cost of your energy bill.
Reusing The Energy You Create
Air compressors generate a significant amount of heat as a biproduct of operation. You can recapture that heat as a method to improve your building’s overall efficiency.
Keep Your System Clean
Like any other significant investment, regular cleaning and maintenance of your compressed air system will improve efficiency. Air compressors use 10 percent of the energy generated in the US. Make sure this isn’t wasted air.
If you would like to increase the efficiency of your compressor system immediately, you can schedule an audit. Our trained professionals will give you short and long-term goals for reducing energy and improving system efficiency. We can give you custom recommendations on how to improve your air compressor efficiency.
To schedule your audit, contact us today!